Hello World

My Dog, Inca

My dog is named Inca. She is quite an interesting pet. She is really, really lazy, and sleeps most of the day. She is sleeping a lot during the day. She also has a habit of scratching the door to our garage. In fact, we had to get a metal door because she kept grinding the wood off of the wooden door. The wooden door had lots of wooden dust on the ground near it, in fact. We now have a metal door, but the white paint on the metal door has been scratched off. I thought we were going to get a plain metal door, as it would have made some more sense. My dog also sits next to the dinner table when we are eating food. She always wants human food. She is a very interesting dog.

Another pet?

I don't have another pet. I don't really want another pet that much. Maybe I would like to get another dog. However, if I had to get another pet, I would probably choose a pet fish, hamster, or snake. I would probably like to have a pet snake over any other pet. I don't think snakes are all that scary. In fact, I think some are pretty funny. I would like to have a pet snake. Pet snakes obviously have to be a docile breed, though, as you don't want a pet black mamba in your home! A pet I wouldn't want is a cat. I don't like cats very much. I only like kittens somewhat. I would much rather have another pet over a cat.